Teacher Training with Syntax Solutions
Syntax Solutions' Teacher Training Program (CPD) offers teacher training and resources to teachers around the globe.
Our CPD programs equip teachers with state-of-the-art instruction methods and self-development ideas. The core concept of our workshops provide teachers with the relevant resources to tackle the many situations that arise in the classroom daily.
CPD workshops provide participants a comprehensive set of resources and practical guidance. And, assist EFL/ESL teachers to provide effective, productive, and positive learning experiences for their students, learners, and participants.
Additionally, our support network guarantees continuous self-development for teachers as they put their newly acquired knowledge into practice. Whether it be in the classroom or the training room, teachers are given the opportunity to share their personal experiences with other teachers worldwide via our social media channels.
​Corporate Training Webinars:
Deliberate Practice in Action
​Focus on BE
Business English for Adults
Methodology Training for EFL Professionals:
Technology - Pedagogy - and - Content Knowledge
Focus on TBL​
Task-based Learning and Teaching
Focus on PBL​
Project-based Learning and Teaching
​​​Focus on TBLA
Task-based Language Assessment for Performance-based Learning
Content Language and Integrated Learning
English as a Medium of Instruction
Interactive Online Workshop for EFL Teachers
Complementary Webinars for Teacher Associations:
Focus on TBL and PBL
101 Questions about TBL and PBL answered online
Focus on Mind Maps
14 Reasons to be using Mind Maps in your L2 Learning Cycle
Based on Ron Morrain's TBL Workbook
Focus on Product Creation
Creating Creative Products in a TBL / PBL Learning Cycle
Focus on Adult L2 Learners
Introduction to the ABCs of Working with Adult L2 Learners
From theory to practice
Teacher Training with Syntax Solutions
Syntax Solutions' Teacher Training Program (CPD) offers teacher training and resources to teachers around the globe.
Our CPD programs equip teachers with state-of-the-art instruction methods and self-development ideas. The core concept of our workshops provide teachers with the relevant resources to tackle the many situations that arise in the classroom daily.
CPD workshops provide participants a comprehensive set of resources and practical guidance. And, assist EFL/ESL teachers to provide effective, productive, and positive learning experiences for their students, learners, and participants.
Additionally, our support network guarantees continuous self-development for teachers as they put their newly acquired knowledge into practice. Whether it be in the classroom or the training room, teachers are given the opportunity to share their personal experiences with other teachers worldwide via our social media channels.
Methodology Training for EFL Professionals:
Technology - Pedagogy - and - Content Knowledge
Focus on TBL​
Task-based Learning and Teaching
Focus on PBL​
Project-based Learning and Teaching
​​​Focus on TBLA
Task-based Language Assessment for Performance-based Learning
Content Language and Integrated Learning
English as a Medium of Instruction
The ABCs of Business English
Interactive Online Workshop for EFL Teachers
Focus on Language Coaching
Tailored to your development needs
Focus on Going Beyond the Coursebook
14 Reasons to Use Mind Maps in a L2 Learning Cycle
Based on Ron Morrain's TBL + PBL Teacher's Manual
Creating Products in a TBL / PBL Learning Cycle
Introduction to the ABCs of Working with Adult L2 Learners
From Theory to Practice
The Role of a Language Teacher in a L2 TBL / PBL Learning Cycle
What are your Teacher Superpowers?
What competencies and skills are needed to be an effective teacher?
What leads to Teacher Efficacy?
What marketable skills do they bring to the table?
How do you fill in the blanks? (Future Proofing your CPD)
The Ten Most Important Points of CPD
Walking through the Teacher's CPD Jungle